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The United Firefighters Union of Australia met this week at the National Committee of Management (NCOM) conference. NCOM endorses a national impetus to include Motor Neurone Diseases in Presumptive Legislation. Please click the link to read the National Bulletin 007/2024.


UFUA welcomes expanded presumptive cancer laws in Queensland, with legislation introduced by the Queensland Government to expand by 10 the number of cancers included in presumptive firefighter cancer. Please read more in National Bulletin 005/2024.

UFUA QLD Members Update

The UFUA has updates for Queensland members regarding Federal Court and Fair Work Commission decisions impacting the branch. Please read the newsletter found through this link for more information.


Commonwealth changes to the Fair Work Act passed the Senate 08/02/2024. To read the latest National Bulletin covering firefighter wins on the pathway to PTSD compensation and Intractable Bargaining Disputes in the Closing Loopholes amendments, please click here.

Closing Loopholes Bill Briefing Paper

The ACTU has released a briefing note describing the changes to workplace law passed by the Commonwealth Senate on 8 February 2024. The briefing note is available to read through this link.

UFUA Submission: Intractable Bargaining Disputes provisions of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023

UFU submission on the effects of Intractable Bargaining laws on the Fair Work Commission, federal bargaining processes, and worker’ rights to the Senate Inquiry into the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023. To read the submission click hereRead the rest “UFUA Submission: Intractable Bargaining Disputes provisions of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023”


The UFUA takes seriously the role of research into firefighter health and wellbeing. We engage closely with academics and research institutions to ensure that research projects are robust, sound and genuinely in the interests of firefighters. The latest National Bulletin … Read the rest “UFUA BULLETIN #001/2024”


Firefighter Presumptive Cancer Precedent. Noting that the Commonwealth presumptive cancer laws set a template for laws across Australia, this National Bulletin features an important case with far reaching implications. It demonstrates the importance of the national union in protecting firefighter … Read the rest “UFUA BULLETIN #026”


Through the UFUA’s membership of the Global Alliance of Firefighting Unions, we were invited to attend and present at the International Association of Firefighters’ (IAFF) Redmond Symposium/Barbera Conference in New York, during August 2023. To read about the UFUA delegation … Read the rest “UFUA BULLETIN #024”