Volume 53 Issue 1 2017
Increased fire threat for South East Victoria.
Champion for a mate.
(Photos courtesy of Brodie Weeding The Advocate Tasmania.)
Retired Firefighters.
Given the traumatic legacy from the events of 2003 it is incumbent on any ACT government, regardless of its political hue, to ensure a service exists that can take meaningful action when the sky is so black it seems to … Read the rest “ACT Emergency Services Minister ignores UFUA concerns”
Members continue to lose out.
Secret plans by the previous CFA board exposed as the negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement drag on through the legal process.
Public safety is in jeopardy as Fire Services in various parts of the world (including areas in Australia) cut budgets, refuse to recruit firefighters or, honour agreed staffing levels and in the case of Aviation Fire & Rescue in Australia … Read the rest “Budget cuts = Increase in fire deaths”
At the recent 53rd International Association of Firefighters convention held in Las Vegas, Micky Millane a great friend of the UFUA who is sadly missed, was accorded the accolades he so richly deserved.
Congratulations are extended to the West Australian Branch of the UFUA, as they celebrate with a Ball on the magnificent achievement of representing their members for one hundred years in September this year.
Anybody wishing to attend and enjoy the … Read the rest “W.A Branch Centenary”
Politicians please take note: thousands more professional firefighters are needed around Australia, to combat the increasingly devastating effects of climate change.
The full NIEIR report is here.
Read on for the latest National UFUA updates
Australian Firefighter Vol 52 No 1
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored – Aldous Huxley.
Not only have Victorian Branch members been without an Enterprise agreement for nearly three years but now the Victorian Government refuses to accept the facts.
Read more … Read the rest “MFB and CFA in Victoria slammed by review”